Monday, October 12, 2009

Mumbai vs Bombay: We The People - NDTV

Mumbai vs BombayIt was really sad to see the kind of discussion that was going on, on the show. It seemed that Bombay (yes, it sounds really awesome) was a city in Peter Pan's wonderland where Alice and for that matter, Batman could also reside. I could not see anything being said for development of the city that Bombay is. We talk about making Bombay a world-class city. Where, may I ask, is the will to pursue that dream? It surely is not a concrete idea, just a dream.I understand that we, the Indians, would put Don Quixote to shame, given the chance. But bickering about what name a city should have, what kind of people can live in the city and what rights must they have, would not get us anywhere. Going by what I have said, ghettoisation, if not annihilation (how Raj would have wished for it), is what this would lead to.
A labourer from eastern UP or Bihar leaves his home to find a job in a city where the natives consider it demeaning to perform hard labour. The high-rises that Bombay's skyline is witness to, have the 'migrant's' sweat plastered all over them.I would draw a parallel to the situation in Bihar in times of Lalu Prasad Yadav with the current political situation in Maharashtra. Lalu Prasad Yadav realised, quite cunningly though, that as long as the average voter is illiterate and intellectually challenged, they will vote for theatrics and aura. On a similar note, the Shiv Sena and the MNS (Congress enjoying the spoils from the side-line) are stoking fire that exists due to incompetence, to a certain extent, of the native Maharashtrian. It is easy to add fuel to fire by raking up regional jingoism, but it doesn't change the situation on the ground. You tell a person that they will get a job, although not qualified for that job, if they beat up migrants. Why in the whole wide world would they make an effort to improve upon their skills?

At the end of the day, Raj Thackeray has to travel on Bombay's roads in his SUV with his English medium educated children conversing in German. But this is nothing new. We have seen such things earlier, and we would continue to see them in the future as well. But one thing has stood the test of time across the world. A migrant would work twice as efficiently as a native because he has to build a life in the new environment. A migrant is the pillar on whose shoulders great cities and nations have been built and would continue to be built. People like Raj Thackeray would just give an impetus to move the business and life out of a city to another city. That would be the zenith of their existence and sadly, the death of the city that was once alive.


Anonymous said...

The ending is superb and captures the theme in perfectly moulded words.

The below phrases were also very good

" for theatrics and aura."

"....A migrant is the pillar on whose shoulders great cities and nations have been built and would continue to be built".

Prateek Khare said...

I read about the issue on newspapers and did not watch it as such (I don't watch television).

You've covered most of what an educated being would think of. Bravo !

Just reiterating what I have written earlier , "cuf politics" and "television"

The core of the matter is partition within partitions. Are we up for this ? Language bias, regional bias...Leave the high profiles, they get there only to do what they will, we can never change that with what we have(I mean the constitutional rights).

I could start a debate with you on these topics, but I'll save that for when we meet. :)

Very intriguing presentation of thoughts, looking forward to read more of such quality stuff

Harish said...

nice socially relevant blog u have got here..